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Payitoff API: PortfolioLoan Schema

A PortfolioLoan is an object that describes a borrower's student loan portfolio in more accurate detail than ever.

Canonical Fields

The fields below are returned with 100% consistency and will never be null:

  • repayment_plan
  • status
  • interest_rate
  • type
  • monthly_payment

Schema Definition

account_numberstringThe borrower's account number for a PortfolioLoan, if known.
created_atstringdate-timeA DateTime string indicating when this Loan was created.
disbursement_datesarraytype: string
format: date
An array of dates on which funds were disbursed to a Borrower.
idstringuuidA unique UUID identifier for this PortfolioLoan.
interest_rateobjectInterestRateAn object that describes a loan's interest rate.
monthly_paymentobjectMonthlyPaymentAn object describing all known details about a loan's monthly payment.
originationobjectOriginationAn object that describes the details of a loan's origination.
outstanding_intereststringdecimalTotal unpaid interest.

NOTE: As of v1.0.1, all float values are returned as decimal strings with 2-digit precision.
outstanding_principalstringdecimalTotal unpaid principal.

NOTE: As of v1.0.1, all float values are returned as decimal strings with 2-digit precision.
payment_group_idstring or nulluuidA unique UUID identifying the PaymentGroup this PortfolioLoan belongs to, if any.

NOTE: Defaults to null. If present, you will find PaymentGroup details in the payment_groups property of this PortfolioLoan's servicer.
payment_reference_numberstring or nullThe account number needed to direct payments to the group that this loan belongs to.
payoffobjectPayoffAn object providing a payoff amount and when it expires.
pslfobjectPSLFAn object describing any Public Servicer Loan Forgiveness contributions.
repayment_planobjectPortfolioRepaymentPlanAn object describing the loan's Repayment Plan.
servicerobjectServicerAn object describing the financial institution that services the loan, to whom a Borrower makes monthly payments.
statusobjectLoanStatusAn object describing a loan's official status.
typeobjectLoanTypeAn object describing a loan's official type.
updated_atstringdate-timeA DateTime string indicating when this PortfolioLoan was last updated.


  "account_number": "928374299",
  "created_at": "2021-03-03T17:01:24.108424Z",
  "disbursement_dates": [
  "id": "df6a5264-1081-4494-bf04-ee4139ad82d3",
  "interest_rate": {
    "effective": "3.54",
    "original": "3.54"
  "monthly_payment": {
    "scheduled_amount": "427.96"
  "origination": {
    "amount": "8575.99",
    "date": "2022-02-09"
  "outstanding_interest": "834.99",
  "outstanding_principal": "696.19",
  "payment_group_id": "f7498357-844d-4d0e-a0e9-573003cada13",
  "payment_reference_number": null,
  "payoff": {
    "quote": 9057.05,
    "quote_date": "05/28/2021"
  "pslf": {
    "eligible_payments": 78,
    "expected_forgiveness_date": "2025-06-01",
    "ineligible_payment_details": [
        "denial_reason": "You Do Not Have A Bill Due For This Payment Period",
        "description": "In order for a payment to qualify, it must have been a payment you were required to make.\nYou were not required to make any payments during the following periods:\nIn your grace period\nIn a deferment \nIn a forbearance",
        "period": "04/2019"
    "ineligible_payments": 1,
    "non_qualifying_payment_details": [
        "description": "This payment period is eligible but requires approved employment in order to qualify.",
        "period": "05/2021",
        "status": "Employment Not Certified"
        "description": "This payment period is eligible but requires approved employment in order to qualify.",
        "period": "04/2021",
        "status": "Employment Not Certified"
    "non_qualifying_payments": 2,
    "qualifying_payments": 76,
    "remaining_payments": 51
  "repayment_plan": {
    "description": "Saving on a Valuable Education",
    "income_driven_repayment": true,
    "type": "save"
  "servicer": {
    "address": {
          "street1": "123 Main St",
          "street2": "Suite 501",
          "street3": null,
          "city": "Poughkeepsie",
          "state": "NY",
          "zipcode": "12345-6789"
    "name": "Great Lakes"
  "status": {
    "code": "FB",
    "description": "Forbearance"
  "type": {
    "code": "D2",
    "description": "Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loan",
    "federal": true,
    "guarantor": "Department of Education",
    "lender": "Department of Education",
    "subsidized": false,
    "sula_eligible": false
  "updated_at": "2021-03-03T17:01:24.108424Z"