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Payitoff API: LoanPayload Schema

When using our API to Create Loans for a Borrower, you can supply an array of LoanPayload objects.

The following are the minimum required properties to successfully create Loans:

  • interest_rate
  • loan_type
  • original_principal
  • origination_date
  • outstanding_interest
  • outstanding_principal
  • servicer_name


Use LoanPayload for API POST requests

When creating Loans for Borrowers via the Create Loans API endpoint, you must supply loan details in the shape of a LoanPayload.

You will receive a Loan object in the API response.

Schema Definition

Properties in bold are required fields.

account_numberstringThe Borrower's account number for a Loan with a Servicer, if known.
capitalized_amountnumberfloatInterest charged on a loan that is then added to the principal balance.
disbursement_datesarraytype: string
format: date
An array of dates on which funds were disbursed to a Borrower.
external_idstringIt is possible to create Loans using data fetched from third parties, such as Plaid's Liabilities endpoint. When doing so, we recommend providing any unique identifier, such as Plaid's account_id value in the external_id property to help you keep track of which Payitoff loans correspond to the loan info you retrieve from subsequent syncs with Plaid and other products.
guarantorstringThe entity who guarantees a loan will be paid in the event a student borrower defaults on the loan.
idr_renewal_datestringdateThe date on which an IDR plan requires income recertification.
interest_ratenumberfloatThe interest rate applied to a loan.
is_overduebooleanIs the loan currently in past due status?
last_paymentnumberfloatThe amount of the last payment made on the loan.
last_payment_datestringdateThe date on which the last payment was made.
last_statement_balancenumberfloatThe total loan balance as of the last monthly statement.
last_statement_datestringdateThe date on which the last monthly statement was issued.
loan_statusstringThe current status of the Loan (description or code). A complete list can be found on our Loan Statuses page.
loan_status_historyobjectThe history of loan status changes.

Returns key-value pairs where the status change is the value and the date on which the status changed is the key.
loan_typestringThe type of loan. A complete list can be found on our Loan Types page.
monthly_paymentnumberfloatThe standard monthly payment over the course of the repayment term.
original_principalnumberfloatOriginal principal balance when Loan entered repayment.
origination_datestringdateThe date the Loan was officially given to the borrower.
outstanding_interestnumberfloatTotal unpaid interest.
outstanding_principalnumberfloatTotal unpaid principal.
pslf_cumulative_periodsintegerint32How many monthly payments have been made that count toward PSLF eligibility.
repayment_begin_datestringdateThe date a borrower first entered repayment. This date could be in the future (if borrower is currently a student) or in the past (if borrower is currently or has been in repayment).
repayment_plan_begin_datestringdateThe date the Loan entered the current Repayment Plan.
The type of Repayment Plan. Preferred values for this property are the enumerated values of the type property of a RepaymentPlan object. However, due to disparities in how repayment plans are identified across a variety of servicers and sources, our API accepts many variations on this value and coerces them to canonical values returned as a RepaymentPlan object.
servicer_namestringThe name of the financial institution servicing the loan, to whom the borrower makes monthly payments.


  "loan_type": "Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loan",
  "interest_rate": 7.08,
  "outstanding_principal": 20000.00,
  "outstanding_interest": 0.0,
  "original_principal": 20000.00,
  "origination_date": "2019-09-22",
  "servicer_name": "Nelnet",
  "loan_status": "in repayment",
  "monthly_payment": 300,
  "repayment_plan_begin_date": "2020-05-11"