

Enhanced Portfolio endpoint

With API v1.0.5, Payitoff enhances the Portfolio endpoint with a new summary that provides a high-level view of a borrower's entire debt portfolio, as well as a new grouping mechanism that provides outstanding loans grouped within the Servicers they belong to, with more detail where it matters for each Servicer.

Notable changes and updates

The v1.0.5 release introduces more Portfolio details with the following new and updated schemas:

  • PortfolioSummary provides a high-level overview of the total financial impact of a borrower's entire loan portfolio.
  • PortfolioServicer is a new rich object that describes the full picture of a borrower's loan portfolio as held by a single servicer. The borrower's entire Portfolio is now grouped by PortfolioServicer.
  • PaymentGroup is a new schema that provides details on the collection into which some Servicers organize borrower loans. These groups are very Servicer-specific—if a PortfolioServicer does not group borrower loans, this will be null.
  • GroupMonthlyPayment is a slightly different monthly payment object that describes payment details for a PaymentGroup, when a PortfolioServicer groups loans.
  • MonthlyPayment has been updated to include a new estimated property, and is now included at three levels:
    • included on the PortfolioServicer for a total account-wide payment owed to each servicer
    • included on the PortfolioLoan to provide per-loan payment details

Immediate Use Cases

We encourage updating your API version to v1.0.5 to enjoy richer data and power your applications to provide better insights and understanding of the overall and per-servicer financial impact of your borrower's entire student loan debt portfolio.