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Integrate in 10 Minutes

Don't have the time for API-based integration? Nexus has you covered.

If you're looking to add some quick coverage of student loan functionality to your product or platform, but aren't ready to spend the time designing, architecting, and building your own customized borrower experience, Nexus has you covered.

What you'll need

  • A Nexus Key
  • A few lines of JavaScript


Don't have your Nexus Key?

Please contact [email protected] and we'll get that sorted.

What we'll do

  • Add the Nexus script tag to a page in your site
  • Initialize Nexus to create a borrower record for you without our API
  • Add a click event listener to trigger the Nexus widget
  • Rely on Nexus to link servicers, provide an assessment, and enroll your borrower in an Income-Driven Repayment Plan
  • Do something meaningful with the results

Let's get started

Add the Nexus script tag

You must include the Nexus script tag in your app's markup. Where you place it in your markup is up to you, of course, but you must ensure it is included and loaded before any event handlers are triggered.

<script src="https://payitoff-cdn.io/sandbox/nexus/js/v1"></script>


Integration begins in the Payitoff Sandbox

For local development, staging, and testing environments, you'll want to include the sandbox version of Nexus.

Payitoff's Sandbox is your development playground—it will never connect to live Servicer websites, it won't submit real Enrollment Requests, it always returns dummy data where necessary, and you'll use a Sandbox Nexus Key that only works in our Sandbox environment.

Initialize Nexus with your own Borrower IDs

The Nexus experience is unique to each of your borrowers based on their loan portfolios, so it requires a borrower identifier on init. To ease API-free integration, you can provide your own unique borrower identifier when initializing Nexus. If we've never seen that borrower before, Nexus will create a new Borrower record for you. If we have seen the borrower with your unique external ID before, Nexus will recognize that, find the borrower, and load workflows for their situation.

  borrower: 'jamestkirk1966'

Triggering Nexus on a click event

Let's assume we have a button in the page that is meant to trigger opening the Nexus widget:

<a id="nexus" class="button">Enroll via Nexus</a>

Given this button-styled a tag in your page, let's write a simple click handler that can open Nexus, telling Nexus we want our borrower to be enrolled in an Income-Driven Repayment Plan of their choosing. To do this, we'll also want to provide an onSuccess and onExit callback function so we can inspect the response from Nexus when the borrower exits the widget.

let nexusButton = document.querySelector('#nexus')

// Attach click handler to invoke Nexus.enroll with callback functions
nexusButton.addEventListener('click', e => {
    // the function to call when borrower is done
    onSuccess: function(response) {
    	// we'll just console.log our response so we can inspect it
    // the function to call when borrower quits or error occurs
    onExit: function(response) {
    	// we'll just console.log our response so we can inspect it

That's it!

When the Nexus widget is dismissed, it will call the onSuccess or onExit callback functions you provided—onSuccess if the borrower completed the requested workflow, or onExit if they canceled out and dismissed the widget without completing or some other error occurs.

Ready to learn more about Nexus workflows, callbacks, and responses? Head over to our Nexus pages for all you need to know to better understand how Nexus works, and how you can put it to work in your products and platforms.

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