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With our Payments functionality, you can now rapidly build a number of payments-related activities for Borrowers into your products and services:

  • add Borrower-owned SourceAccounts to fund payments
  • activate and deactivate Autopay
  • make one-time Payments using Borrower funds
  • create PaymentSeries that follow a recurring schedule each month
  • create BatchPayments using third-party, employer, and business SourceAccounts


Payments Program Membership Required

These features require membership in the Payitoff Payments Program. Please reach out to sales@payitoff.io or Customer Success if you're interested in joining the Payments Program.

You'll also need an API Key and Nexus Key to build Payments into your products and servicers. If you don't have one, please reach out to sales@payitoff.io.

How Payments Work

Integrating Payments into your products and services requires a few different steps and careful attention to detail.

Let's take a quick look at the steps you'll want to follow to prepare a Borrower for having payment information ready and usable.

Use Nexus to link your Borrowers with their Servicers

To power payments, all Borrowers must be linked to their Servicers using Nexus, our JavaScript widget which takes all the hassle out of connecting your Borrowers and building Loan Portfolios—and keeping them up-to-date.

Determine if you need a Payment, a PaymentSeries, or a BatchPayment

ScenarioSourceAccount OwnerSolution
I want to make a payment for one BorrowerThe Borrower owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.Payment
I want to make a payment for one Borrower on a regularly recurring schedule every month.The Borrower owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.PaymentSeries
I want to make a payment for one BorrowerMy business or another third-party owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.BatchPayment
I want to make a payment for many BorrowersMy business or another third-party owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.BatchPayment
I want to make a payment for many BorrowersOne of the Borrowers owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred to pay for all the Borrowers.Not Allowed

What’s Next

Learn more about different kinds of Payments: