Student Loan Link

Find a consumer's federal and private student loans with only a phone number, DOB, and zipcode using Nexus.studentLoanLink.

Nexus.studentLoanLink (formerly Nexus.findMyServicer) walks a consumer through verifying their identity and retrieving all of their student loans across federal and private servicers. At the end of the workflow, they'll see their student loan balances across all servicers, and you'll be able to view and generate guidance across their entire debt portfolio.

Launch Nexus.studentLoanLink:

Nexus.studentLoanLink expects to receive a single options object as a parameter.

We recommend adding an onEvent callback to receive any errors and be notified of your consumers activity within Nexus.

The code below will launch the Nexus widget:

  // a callback to be notified of errors or other important events within the Nexus widget
  onEvent: handleEvent,

Nexus Events

See our guide for using onEvent callbacks.

The following events may be sent to your onEvent callback as the consumer progresses through Nexus.studentLoanEnroll:

The final screen of the Nexus.studentLoanLink workflow

The final screen of the Nexus.studentLoanLink workflow