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Aggregated Student Loan Portfolio that are reliable and up-to-date.

In API v1.0.1, we're introducing automated student loan aggregation and data syncing. By using Nexus to walk your borrowers through linking their Servicers, we collect, process, normalize, and return the most accurate student loan portfolio data on the market for you to embed into your own products.


Check out our new Portfolio API endpoint

API v1.0.1 is the latest update, and officially releases our new Student Loan Aggregation functionality.

When borrowers link their Servicer accounts with Nexus, we collect and process up-to-date loan data, which you can query and use in your products via the Portfolio API Endpoint.

Retrieving a Borrower's Portfolio

When you wish to fetch your borrowers' Loan objects, you'll use our Portfolio API endpoint.

The response is a simple object with a loans key, which provides an array of PortfolioLoan objects:

  "loans": [

How Aggregated Portfolios work

When your borrowers link their servicers with Nexus, Payitoff retrieves and processes their loan history and details from each linked Servicer. We also will keep this data synced over time so you can re-fetch Portfolio details from our API and be sure you are always receiving accurate, up-to-date information at all times.


Portfolios require using Nexus in your products

If you'd like to use Aggregated Portfolios in your products and workflows, check out our One-day Integration Guide to get started.

Portfolio aggregation relies on your borrowers linking their Servicers so we can collect, process, normalize, and return accurate and always up-to-date data via the Portfolio API endpoint.


Heads up! UUID identifiers are taking the place of integer ID values

If you've been using the Payitoff API, you may be used to calling API endpoints with Borrower.id parameters as unique identifiers where necessary. Some time ago, we quietly began moving toward Borrower.uuid identifiers by including uuid values in Borrower responses, and accepting uuid values wherever an endpoint previously expected an id parameter.

Because this is a patch version upgrade, your existing code for Borrower and Loan objects from API v1 should continue to work uninterrupted. Only the newly introduced API endpoints will be enforcing the uuid-only approach—this includes the Portfolio API.

Just a heads up that we will continue moving in this direction in subsequent updates, eventually phasing out id values entirely in favor of uuid values for all API objects.