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Payitoff API: PortfolioLoan Schema

A PortfolioLoan is a rich object that describes a borrower's student loan portfolio in more accurate detail than ever. For v1.0.1, we're releasing an early preview of loan aggregation data, and we will continue to enrich the PortfolioLoan data in upcoming releases.

Schema Definition

account_numberstringThe borrower's account number for a PortfolioLoan, if known.
created_atstringdate-timeA DateTime string indicating when this Loan was created.
disbursement_datesarraytype: string
format: date
An array of dates on which funds were disbursed to a Borrower.
interest_rateobjectInterestRateAn object that describes a loan's interest rate.
monthly_paymentobjectMonthlyPaymentAn object describing all known details about a loan's monthly payment.
originationobjectOriginationAn object that describes the details of a loan's origination.
outstanding_intereststringdecimalTotal unpaid interest.

NOTE: As of v1.0.1, all float values are returned as decimal strings with 2-digit precision.
outstanding_principalstringdecimalTotal unpaid principal.

NOTE: As of v1.0.1, all float values are returned as decimal strings with 2-digit precision.
payoffobjectPayoffAn object providing a payoff amount and when it expires.
pslfobjectPSLFAn object describing any Public Servicer Loan Forgiveness contributions.
repayment_planobjectPortfolioRepaymentPlanAn object describing the loan's Repayment Plan.
servicerobjectServicerAn object describing the financial institution that services the loan, to whom a Borrower makes monthly payments.
statusobjectLoanStatusAn object describing a loan's official status.
typeobjectLoanTypeAn object describing a loan's official type.
updated_atstringdate-timeA DateTime string indicating when this PortfolioLoan was last updated.
uuidstringuuidA unique UUID identifier for this PortfolioLoan.


  "account_number": "928374299",
  "created_at": "2021-03-03T17:01:24.108424Z",
  "disbursement_dates": [
  "interest_rate": {
    "effective": "3.54",
    "original": "3.54"
  "monthly_payment": {
    "scheduled_amount": "427.96"
  "origination": {
    "amount": "8575.99",
    "date": "2022-02-09"
  "outstanding_interest": "834.99",
  "outstanding_principal": "696.19",
  "payoff": {
    "quote": 9057.05,
    "quote_date": "05/28/2021"
  "pslf": {
    "eligible_payments": 78,
    "expected_forgiveness_date": "2025-06-01",
    "ineligible_payment_details": [
        "denial_reason": "You Do Not Have A Bill Due For This Payment Period",
        "description": "In order for a payment to qualify, it must have been a payment you were required to make.\nYou were not required to make any payments during the following periods:\nIn your grace period\nIn a deferment \nIn a forbearance",
        "period": "04/2019"
    "ineligible_payments": 1,
    "non_qualifying_payment_details": [
        "description": "This payment period is eligible but requires approved employment in order to qualify.",
        "period": "05/2021",
        "status": "Employment Not Certified"
        "description": "This payment period is eligible but requires approved employment in order to qualify.",
        "period": "04/2021",
        "status": "Employment Not Certified"
    "non_qualifying_payments": 2,
    "qualifying_payments": 76,
    "remaining_payments": 51
  "repayment_plan": {
    "description": "Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan",
    "income_driven_repayment": true,
    "type": "paye"
  "servicer": {
    "address": {
          "street1": "123 Main St",
          "street2": "Suite 501",
          "street3": null,
          "city": "Poughkeepsie",
          "state": "NY",
          "zipcode": "12345-6789"
    "name": "Great Lakes"
  "status": {
    "code": "FB",
    "description": "Forbearance"
  "type": {
    "code": "D2",
    "description": "Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loan",
    "federal": true,
    "guarantor": "Department of Education",
    "lender": "Department of Education",
    "subsidized": false,
    "sula_eligible": false
  "updated_at": "2021-03-03T17:01:24.108424Z",
  "uuid": "df6a5264-1081-4494-bf04-ee4139ad82d3"