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Payitoff API: Payment Schema


Contact us if you're interested in using this feature.

A Payment is an object that describes a single transfer of funds to a Servicer from a Borrower-owned SourceAccount on a specific date.

You can create, edit, list, and cancel a Payment.

Creating and Editing a Payment

Use the Create Payment endpoint to create all Payment records. When creating, you'll send a PaymentPayload object as your request body, so be sure to check the guide to better understand how to successfully define your Payment.

Use the Edit Payment endpoint to edit existing Payment records. Just as when creating, you'll provide a PaymentPayload as your request body.


Don't confuse Payments, PaymentSeries, and BatchPayments!

Our API supports making different kinds of payments on behalf of one or more Borrowers from their own bank accounts and from third-party-owned bank accounts.

The best way to determine if you should be creating a Payment, PaymentSeries, or BatchPayment is based on how many Borrowers you wish to make a payment for, and who owns the funding SourceAccount.

Do I need a Payment, a PaymentSeries, or a BatchPayment?

ScenarioSourceAccount OwnerSolution
I want to make a payment for one BorrowerThe Borrower owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.Payment
I want to make a payment for one Borrower on a regularly recurring schedule every month.The Borrower owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.PaymentSeries
I want to make a payment for one BorrowerMy business or another third-party owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.BatchPayment
I want to make a payment for many BorrowersMy business or another third-party owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.BatchPayment
I want to make a payment for many BorrowersOne of the Borrowers owns the SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred to pay for all the Borrowers.Not Allowed

Schema Definition

amountstringdecimalThe total amount that will be paid on the scheduled_date.
borrower_idstringuuidA UUID that identifies the Borrower on behalf of whom this Payment is made.
idstringuuidA UUID that identifies this Payment.
scheduled_datestringdateDate on which the payment will occur.
servicer_idstringuuidA UUID that identifies the Servicer who will receive the payment.
source_account_idstringuuidA UUID that identifies the Borrower-owned SourceAccount from which funds will be transferred.
The status of the Payment.


  "amount": "255.75",
  "borrower_id": "b191438a-5d9e-4135-a509-99f63115e63b",
  "id": "35a0279c-6b9f-4e0c-b0b2-2c5038cd536d",
  "scheduled_date": "2021-08-20",
  "source_account_id": "141da7f0-17a0-4a6e-99e2-f9bcae4d99a3",
  "status": "pending"